Think Tech And I

The Future of Technology- What will the jobs of the future look like?

The Future of Technology- What will the jobs of the future look like?

For the first time in human history, our world has access to more information than we know what to do with. The Internet has opened up many opportunities and brought us countless conveniences, but it’s also had some unintended consequences. With all this technology at our fingertips, how will we get anything done? Will there even be jobs? Some argue that our increasing reliance on technology will lead to unemployment levels. In fact, technology has the potential to create jobs we can’t even imagine yet!

It’s impossible to predict exactly what jobs will be available in the future, but technology will always play an important role. The way we live our lives today is different from how people lived 100 years ago, or even 30 years ago. There have been many changes brought by technology, such as self-checkout lanes in grocery stores. This is just one example; machines are now handling more jobs that used to be done by humans. One thing that won’t change is that there will always be jobs available to those who are willing to learn and adapt with the changing times. Which makes us wonder: what types of new jobs are being created and which ones are disappearing due to technology? Here’s a closer look at a few careers that may be gone before you know it.


If you’re in a field that requires interpersonal skills, such as sales or customer service, you should be worried about how AI and robotics are impacting your job. Experts predict that machines will do 50% of our work by 2025 , meaning millions of people (and employees around the world) may be out of a job. If your industry doesn’t require much technical knowledge, it might not matter if you don’t have an advanced degree—if robots can do your job better than you can, they will. In fact, research suggests those with only high school degrees have seen their incomes drop 8% in real terms since 2000 , while those with college degrees saw them rise nearly 17%. But what if technology creates jobs we can’t even imagine yet?  Some experts are predicting that 75% of all new job openings in 10 years will be roles filled by AI, not human beings

Rapidly advancing technology is making it easier to create more complex products and more customized versions, at an ever-faster pace. As 3D printing becomes faster and cheaper, we’ll see additive manufacturing move out of niche markets (like medicine) and into everyday use—basically anywhere that mass production is cost-effective, but a custom product would be desirable. 3D printing involves using an additive manufacturing process that turns a digital 3D model into a solid physical object. The difference between additive and subtractive methods is that instead of cutting away materials (subtractive), printers add material layer by layer until a finished product is produced. 3D printing isn’t limited to plastic, however; it can be used to create other materials such as ceramics, glass, silicon and even food—all with just a click! With such versatile production capabilities, it’s no wonder additive manufacturing is being touted as one of today’s most exciting innovations in science and technology. Now, what could we use it for in our everyday lives? Only time will tell!

Yes, you’ve heard it before—VR and AR are going to revolutionize industry. But what does that mean for real people in real careers? We can’t say for sure yet, but we can speculate. The advent of more sophisticated VR devices paired with improved increasingly intelligent 3D rendering suggests that many physical tasks could soon be completed virtually. These include service-industry jobs such as delivering groceries, waiting tables, cleaning houses, doing construction or landscaping work, caring for pets and children, performing home health care—in fact any occupation requiring travel across city streets or from building to building tracking technology and

One of humanity’s next great challenges is space exploration. As technology advances, we may one day colonize other planets or send a probe to Mars. The opportunities for scientific research are limitless, and it’s thrilling to think about what we might discover. Our work in technology is truly exciting, and as it continues to grow, so does our ability to explore space.The companies of tomorrow may have an entirely different view on what space exploration means. Just picture it: one day soon humans may be traveling from planet to planet at warp speed in an intergalactic vessel that isn’t just a sci-fi fantasy… yet!

Workforce training is a major component of any cybersecurity strategy, whether it’s at an enterprise level or something smaller like an individual business. As part of that process, most businesses should have some sort of plan in place to recruit and train new employees (as well as make sure current ones are trained). That can range from simply informing employees about data privacy issues, to providing additional IT security training courses. At its core, Brighter Futures’ training is just making sure your staff has all the information they need to keep your business safe—and that means educating them not only on technology and cybersecurity best practices but other safety-related areas as well.

As technology continues to improve, e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and eBay will become a larger part of our economy. Before there were websites, people bought books, clothes and electronics at physical stores. But then e-commerce platforms came along and opened our eyes to a new way of buying things. With e-commerce platforms—like eBay and Amazon, individuals can set up their own online stores to sell their products. These platforms give entrepreneurs more opportunities to launch new businesses and provide consumers with more choices for shopping. All they need is an idea and some time. Platforms make selling easy—everything from accepting credit card payments to marketing your product is handled by them. We as Brighter Futures offer programming courses which better equip the youth with skills of creating these e-commerce platforms.

Jobs that involve significant human interaction—such as teaching, nursing, or caretaking—are unlikely to be replaced by robots in the near future. But positions that rely on predictable data, such as accountants or factory workers may soon become automated. In these cases, automation allows companies to deliver services more efficiently and inexpensively. To avoid being taken over by robots, train yourself in technology and computer skills while exploring ways to perform tasks better and faster than a machine. Not just focus on technical skills such as computer science. You should also develop general skills that make you a great employee in any industry, including soft skills such as communication and critical thinking, as well as personal strengths such as work ethic. One thing is certain: The world is changing rapidly, so you’ll want to be prepared for any job opportunity that comes your way. We as Brighter Futures are providing skills for the future and beyond to prepare the next generation for any job opportunities.